An Atlanta Legal Nurse Consultant asks the question:
“Do you have a whip-smart healthcare expert on your legal team?”
If not, I’m the experienced professional you’ve been searching for. Call me today, and immediately I’ll join you in building a strong, winning medical case. Call 770-725-2997.
Dear Atlanta Personal Injury Attorney: You know this, but it bears repeating . . . From medical malpractice to product liability suits, winning cases where health, injury or illness are at issue demands specialized knowledge. Without accurate and well-informed data, finding, interpreting, preparing and presenting medical-related information that is germane to your case can turn into a lengthy, discouraging and costly gamble.
My name is Liz Buddenhagen and I own Buddenhagen & Associates. We are a Legal Nurse Consultant firm. My 30 years experience as a critical care registered nurse makes me a specialist in untangling and interpreting even the most complex and obtuse medical records.
My team and I can help you: From screening reviews of cases for merit and creating reports, summaries and timelines to locating qualified expert witnesses, we can make arduous and complex medical tasks efficient and cost-effective. This frees your staff for other activities. From terminology to causality to expert selection, we’ll begin by helping you determine the true merit of your case. Because we understand medical issues and technologies, we can zero right in on the most relevant medical issues in your cases.
We provide cost-effective, time-saving assistance for:
- Wrongful death
- Medical malpractice and general negligence cases
- Personal injury cases - Car and Truck Wrecks, Slip and Fall
- Nursing Home issues
- Corrections cases
- Legal malpractice with medical issues
Call me today and let’s begin a conversation about the many ways Buddenhagen & Associates can help you win more medical-related cases.
Yours truly, Liz Buddenhagen, RN Legal Nurse Consultant Buddenhagen & Associates 770-725-2997
Atlanta Legal Nurse Consultant 770-725-2997
Liz Buddenhagen, RN Atlanta Legal Nurse Consultant
Here’s what Atlanta
attorneys are saying
about legal nurse
consulting services:
"Wow, I wish you could work with me!! You are terrific..." MD expert witness
" "We were able to settle our case for over 3/4 million right after the key specialist
expert MD you located for us was deposed!" ... Atlanta attorney
" "We settled the case for 2 million in mediation before the three expert witnesses
you located reviewed the records. The fact that I had obtained the witnesses was a
strong factor in settling." ... Atlanta attorney.
" "Thank you for the review, timeline and report you provided. We settled the case
within the month in mediation."... Tennessee attorney.
"The jury came back with a $20 million verdict!! We won!"
Personal Injury trucking case - Buddenhagen & Associates provided analysis and
summary of pre-existing health, timeline and analysis of hospitalization and expert
witness for trial. ... Atlanta law firm.z
" "Thank you for the expert location - I was able to settle that case for close to 7
figures within a few months." - Atlanta attorney
"Jury verdict $1.7 M on general negligence case - Buddenhagen & Associates
provided review, analysis, timeline and expert witness. Atlanta law firm.
" "The report was very helpful. It helped me to pinpoint some key areas where the
nurses violated the SOC. I got two of them to admit to it as a result. The timeline
you created was a lifesaver working through this case." - Atlanta attorney
" "Thanks again for the expert MD. He did an excellent job in his deposition and
will be a significant factor in settling this case. " Georgia attorney
" "Best work product that I have come to expect from you!" Georgia attorney
" "Excellent job. As you predicted.... Awesome job. I was well prepared for all of
his [MD] opinions... " [regarding deposition questions written, and related
discussion, by Liz Buddenhagen] - Georgia attorney
" "We settled for 'enough' to provide for the surviving child's life in the confidential
[Buddenhagen & Associates reviewed key medical records in 15 minutes.] - Atlanta
"Your report is very good and I agree with your evaluation and recommendations.
Thank you." Tennessee attorney.
"I do not accept unorganized medical records for review. It takes 10 times longer to
review unorganized records and I simply do not have the time. I will accept
electronic or paper organized records." MD surgeon expert.
"I wanted to call to compliment you on your report of my case." Atlanta attorney.
"It is scary what you people know." Treating MD in reference to attorney and
Atlanta legal nurse consultant.
"I couldn't have written it better myself." MD referring to written report by Atlanta
legal nurse consultant.
"Thank you for your report and your excellent evaluation and analysis." Tennessee
In today's litigation
environment, case
selection and
development are now
more important than
ever. Buddenhagen &
Associates provides
excellent case workup
and expedited access to
well credentialed
experts without the
hassle and stigma
associated with expert
listing services.
Buddenhagen &
Associates will assist
you from case intake to
verdict. Liz
Buddenhagen is bright,
effective and a pleasure
with whom to work."
Jane Lamberti Esq.,
The Cochran Firm
Atlanta, Georgia